An EXCELLENT question!
Rarely are we given the opportunity to measure just one factor of our marketing and its impact on our success--usually, we just see the sum of all parts, and hopefully all those parts are moving us along nicely.
For instance: Here in New York, I'm a working, represented actor. My manager submits me on breakdowns, I have auditions with casting directors, I meet them at workshops, AND I mail to them. Their familiarity with me (and my success with them) is a lovely stew of all those crucial ingredients.
However, one region that can be used as a 'control' (I'm gonna geek out a bit, here) is Los Angeles.
1.) I have never been to Los Angeles.
2.) My manager is not bicoastal, and does not have the ability to submit to LA breakdowns.
3.) LA Casting Directors have never met me before.
4.) However, I DO mail to a select group of LA CDs. Consistently.
So, how do I know that ships alone can work? Because, dear friends, I have been called in by *2* LA offices for projects for which I couldn't have been submitted; they contacted my manager directly asking for me to come in.
There is only one explanation--from getting my consistent, on-brand, authentic ships, these offices now KNOW me and my type. So much so that *I* popped up in *THEIR* heads as they were poring over their breakdowns, and they Googled me and contacted my rep!
So, guys, your mailings are important. Probably a bigger piece of the puzzle than you'd thought, huh? ;) Throw away your self-sabotaging thoughts of 'oh, these never get opened anyway, who will read them?' Because SOMEONE is. Promise. :)
Ahoy Mateys!